Сценарий школьной постановки на английском языке по мотивам повести Ч. Диккенса A Christmas Carol

Предлагаемый сценарий рождественского утренника на английском языке предназначен для учащихся 3 – 5 классов с углубленным изучением английского языка по УМК Верещагиной И.Н. и др. издательства «Просвещение» в сочетании c аутентичным УМК “WELCOME”, Teachers’ Resource Book “Teaching Young learners: Action Songs, Chants & Games” издательства Express Publishing.

“Action Songs” - песни с движениями, “Chants” – повторяющееся пропевание, скандирование слов и фраз в заданном ритме под музыкальное сопровождение в стиле джаз или рэп представляют собой эффективный метод отработки произношения, фразового ударения и правильного ритмического оформления языковых структур, запоминания или повторения лексических единиц, грамматических структур, развития навыков и умений аудирования, устной речи. Они позволяют объединить, сочетать речь с движениями, тем самым, обеспечивая психологическую и физическую разгрузку, а при наличии видео ряда облегчают понимание языкового материала. Кроме того, они дают детям возможность играть с языком, импровизировать, изображать мимически содержание проговариваемого материала, дают возможность ролевой игры, объединяют детей в команду, в коллектив, создают ситуацию успеха. Игры на английском языке развивают познавательные и психомоторные способности детей, обеспечивают их социализацию, учат сотрудничеству, самодисциплине, уважению и соблюдению правил, чувству времени.

Цель мероприятия :

  • Привить интерес учащимся к изучению английского языка, повысить их мотивацию;
  • Продолжить развитие кросс культурной компетенции, создать условия для формирования у обучающихся интереса к культуре и традициям изучаемого языка;
  • В игровой форме проверить и закрепить ЗУН учащихся;
  • Развитие языковых способностей учащихся, готовности к коммуникации;
  • Развивать творческую активность учащихся.


Компьютерная презентация, выполненная на основе книги для внеклассного чтения на английском языке “The Story of Santa Claus” Jenny Dooley издательства Express Publishing, с аутентичным аудио сопровождением.

Речевой материал :

Фильм-сказка, аутентичные аудио-тексты, тексты, стихи, песни, песни с движениями, игры

(action songs, chants & games), музыкально-ритмические упражнения на координацию речи и движений по темам: «Времена года», «Погода», «Цвета», «Виды деятельности», «Праздники»

Список литературы:

“Holidays Go Round And Round” Кэрролл Кэтлин, Новиковой Марины издательства «Химера», Teachers’ Resource Book “Teaching Young learners: Action Songs, Chants & Games” издательства Express Publishing, журнал “Speak Out” издательства ГЛОССА.

Все появляется по щелчку

Now let us play! Make two teams! The pupils of the 5 form will help me again.

Рифмовка сначала проговаривается, на экран появляются по очереди картинки с зонтиком, курткой, солнцем в очках, лыжами и снежным облаком. Затем выполняется с движениями под музыку

На экране показываются слова и анимация песен “Twinkle, twinkle little star…”, “Mulberry bush”, “Jingle Bells”

Twinkle, twinkle little star
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

How I wonder what you are.
When the blazing sun has gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle all the night.
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are.
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are.
Mulberry bush

This is the way we clap our hands,
Clap our hands, clap our hands,
This is the way we clap our hands,
On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we stamp our feet,
Stamp our feet, stamp our feet,
This is the way we stamp our feet,
On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we wash our clothes,
Wash our clothes, wash our clothes
This is the way we wash our clothes,
On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we iron clothes,
Iron clothes, iron clothes
This is the way we iron clothes,
On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we sweep the floor,
sweep the floor, sweep the floor,
This is the way we sweep the floor,
On a cold and frosty morning.

Here we go round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush;
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
On a cold and frosty morning.

Jingle Bells

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
On a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
On a one-horse open sleigh!

Dashing through the snow,
On a one-horse open sleigh,
Over the fields we go,
Laughing all the way!

Bells on bob-tails ring,
Making spirits bright –
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
On a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
On a one-horse open sleigh!

Все дети поют вместе. У микрофона Santa Claus и ведущие:

Merry Christmas to you, dear children! Merry Christmas to every body!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Дети под музыку выходят из зала.

Материал для подготовки общешкольного мероприятия - Рождественского спектакля на английском языке с номерами.

The story of Grinch and Santa Claus

1 Speaking Magic creature 1

2 Speaking Magic creature 2

3 Speaking Magic creature 3
4 Speaking Magic creature 4

5 Speaking Magic creature 5 (
6 Speaking Fir Tree 1
7 Speaking Fir Tree 2
8 Speaking Snowman
9 Speaking Little bear
10 Speaking Snowflake 1
11 Speaking Snowflake 2
12 Speaking Snowflake 3
13 Speaking Snowflake 4
14 Speaking Tree 1
15 Speaking Tree 2
16 Speaking Tree 3
17 Speaking Tree 4
18 Speaking Tree 5
19 Speaking Rudolph
20 Speaking Penguin 1
21 Speaking Penguin 2
22 Speaking Grinch
23 Speaking Santa Claus
24 Speaking St Nicholaus
25 Speaking Girl 1
26 Speaking Girl 2
27 Speaking Girl 3
28 Speaking Narrator

1 Song with movements Make a circle
2 Poem and movements Chubby Snowman
3 song A bear went over the mountain 1A
4 Snowflake dance A song with movements 2nd girls
5 Rudolph song + dance Rudolph the red nose reindeer - 2nd class
6 Song+dance Penguin song 1st V
7 Song with movements 2nd class
8 Final song “Santa Claus is coming to town”

The Beginning
Narrator: this is the story of Santa Claus, or Saint Nicholaus and how he, a real person, became in the modern world Santa Claus;
St. Nicholas: I"m Nicholas, Bishop of Myra. That"s in Turkey.
Narrator:: I don"t care for turkey myself. I prefer chichen with salad.
St. Nicholas: I don"t eat Turkey. I lived there. Now I am a Saint?
Character 1: Why?
St. Nicholas: I did lots of good things for people. My parents were rich, but I gave away my inheritance. I did miracles that helped people.
Character 1: like what?

THREE girls appear on stage:

Three girls together: Remember us, Bishop Nicholas?
Girl 1: Our family was very poor.
Girl 2: Our father had no money for our dowries; so we could not find husbands.
Girl 3: We were ready to go out on the streetsto beg money, and become slaves
Girl 1: You came by our house in the dark of night, and you left a bag of gold for each of us.
Girl 2: You threw it into our chimney so nobody would know
Girl 3: And it landed in the socks that was getting dry by the fire
Girl 1: And these presents saved us all!
Girl 1: I found a wonderful husband.
Girl 2: I used mine to get a good education.
Girl 3: I started my own business.

All Girls: You were so kind, Saint Nicholaus (singing, leave the stage)
Saint Nicholaus: Does that remind you of something?
Narrator: But You don"t look like Santa Claus.
Saint Nicholaus: LikeA distant cousin, I should say.
in Holland and Germany.
On the feast day, I would come through the villages
after the children were asleep
and leave candies and coins in their shoes.
I wanted them to have a little taste of the wonderful gift
on Christmas day.
European settlers brought me across the sea to the New Land.
the American genius for advertising gave me a new life

Santa Claus is a good hearted soul.
But Sometimes he forgets where he came from.
Narrator: Oh, I see. This is how the story should ben told. And now let’s follow Santa to the magic forest where he is getting ready for Christmas

Magic creatures are appearing one by one on the stage, reading poems, hugging each other.
Magic Creature 1:
Merry Christmas!
Isn’t it fun
To say “Merry Christmas”
To everyone?
Magic Creature 2:
Time for a party
And presents and things
That makes all happy
And give their hearts wings!

Magic Creature 3:
Trimming trees in stocking feet
Eating all we want to eat.
Giving presents to our friends
This is how the whole year ends.

Magic Creature 4:
Santa comes
To bring us toys
Giving us many
Christmas joys.

Magic creature 5:
I like to visit Santa Claus
When Christmastime is near.
It’s fun to climb up on his lap
And whisper in his ear.

Magic Creature 1: Look! There is a note hanging from the Christmas tree!
Magic Creature 2: Let’s read it! Maybe it’s a present for us

All come to the Christmas tree. Horrible music sounds, then A voice reads out the message: “I hate Christmas! I’ve taken Santa Claus from you! You will have no Christmas!
Magic Creature 3: No Christmas?
Magic Creature 4: No Presents?
Magic Creature 5: No candies?
Magic Creature 1: We must do something!
Magic creature 2:Let’s find Santa!

Two Fir tree come out on stage.
Fir Tree 1Up, down, all around
You run ,sing, jump and play!
Fir tree 2:I know that you
Like dancing too
Can you please
Dance for us today!
Magic creature 3: Let’s dance for the trees!
Magic Creature 4: maybe it will help
Magic creature 5: Let’s call our friends to help us!

Magic creatures call the “O form” to dance and sing a Christmas song.
“Make a circle…”. In the end they put Christmas decorations on the trees.
A Fir tree:
Look what We see
You’ve decorated the tree!
Now I’ll help you
As you helped me!
A fir tree gives a piece of a map to one of the creatures. As the “0” leave the stage, the voice reads out:
This is the first part of the map where Santa is kept. Follow it to make Santa free. You should help elves (?) and they will give you the rest of the map
All creatures leave the stage.

Scene 2
Magic creatures come out one by one on stage
Magic Creature 1: Where are we? This is a strange place!
Magic Creature 2: Look at the map! Are we at the right place?
Magic Creature 3: I think we are. But I’m not sure.
Magic Creature 4: Look! Someone is coming! Maybe he knows where we are!
Magic Creature 5:Let’s ask him to help us. Maybe he knows the way!
A snowman appears on the stage
A snowman:
A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose.
Along came a rabbit
And what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny,
Looking for his lunch,
ATE the snowman"s carrot nose.......
Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!
Magic Creature 1: Why are you so sad?
A snowman: A bunny ate my nose yesterday and nobody wants to play with me (crying)
Magic Creature 2: We want to play with you!
Magic creature 3:We like playing games!
Magic creature 4: Our friends enjoy games too
Magic creature 5: Form 1! Come and play with us! We know, that you like playing!
1form comes on stage singing a song about a snowman.
The first formers bring a carrot as they appear on stage. They pass the carrot from 1 person to another and then finally give it to the snowman. The snowman turns away and appears with the new nose!
Snowman: I am so happy now! I’ve got a new nose and new friends! Let’s play a game!
The snowman comes down from the stage and shows the movements to the 1st formers. The 1st formers repeat after the snowman
A chubby little snowman
Hold your arms in a circle to make a fat belly .
Had a carrot nose.
Point your forefinger out from your nose.
Along came a bunny.
Hop like a bunny
And what do you suppose?
Turn palms upward and shrug in disbelief.
That hungry little bunny
Rub your tummy.
Looking for his lunch
Shade your eyes, as if looking into the distance.
Ate that snowman"s carrot nose
make a movement as if eating a carrot
Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!
Jump and clap your hands

A snowman: Thank you, little ones! I am happy again. And can I help you in any way?
Magic Creature 1: Oh, we’re looking for a Santa. Grinch took him away!
Magic Creature 2: We need another piece of the map.
Magic creature 3:Do you know where to find it?

Magic creature 5: And without Santa Claus there will be no presents, no fun, no sweets!
A snowman: It happens so that I’ve got a map …somewhere…Oh, let me see… (takes a piece of the map from his pocket) Here it is! Take it!
Magic creatures: Thank you. (Everybody leave the stage

Scene 3
Scary music. Magic creatures appear on stage
Magic creature 1: What a creepy place!
Magic creature 2: Where are we now?
All stop. You can hear weeping….
Magic creature 3: Listen! Somebody is crying!
Magic creature 4: Look! A bear! And he is crying!
All creatures come to the bear
Magic creature 5: Dear bear, why are you crying?
Baby bear: I’m lost! I can’t find my family
Magic creature 1: I think I saw a family of bears on our way!
Magic creature 2:Let’s go and call them!
Magic creature 3: We need to help all good creatures on our way.
Magic creature 4:Then we can find help ourselves.
Magic creature 5: And free Santa from Grinch!
Two magic creatures run away from the stage and come back with the 1stformers who are dressed as a bears (have a bear mask) and are singing a song: “A bear went over the mountain”

The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
To see what he could see.
To see what he could see
To see what he could see

The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
Was all that he could see.
Little bear: Thank you! I am with my family and friends now. By the way, what are you doing here in the middle of nowhere?
Magic creature 1: We’re looking for Santa Claus!
Magic creature 2: Grinch took him away!
Magic creature 3: We need a map to continue our way!
Magic creature 4: We want to have a Christmas party!
Magic creature 5: There will be no fun without Santa Claus and his bag with presents!
Little bear: Wait! I think I saw a piece of a map near my tree (goes from the stage and reappears with another part of the map). Is that it?
Magic creatures fit the part of the map, say goodbye to the bears and leave the stage. The bears leave the stage from the opposite side.

Scene 4
Sound of gusts of wind. Magic creatures appear on stage
Magic creature 1: This place is full of snow.And a strong wind is blowing!
Magic creature 2: It’s so cold!I’m freezing!
Magic creature 3: Me too! What are we doing here?
Magic creature 4: I am scared! I don’t like this place.
Suddenly they hear sound of music. The stop at the end of stage and watch snowflakes appear to the music.
Form 2 appears on the stage dressed as snowflakes. They dance a snowflake dance (to the sound of music - waltz? Snowflake dance from nutcracker).
When snowflakes see magic creatures, they stop
Snowflake 1: Who are you? Why are you here?
Snowflake 2: What are you doing in our kingdom? Who let you come to this place?
Snowflake 3: Let’s turn them into the icicles! They will stay here forever.
Snowflake 4: Let’s freeze them into statues! They will make good decorations for our kingdom!
Magic creature 1: Wait! Don’t turn us into statues!
Magic creature 2: We want to learn how to dance!
Magic creature 3: And you dance so well!
Magic creature 4: Teach us how to dance!
Magic creature 5: We want to dance like you!
Snowflake 1: I like their words.
Snowflake 2:I think this creatures are kind!
Snowflake 3:Let’s call our friends from the forest….
Snowflake 4:And teach them our magical dance!

Snowflakes call the 2nd formers. They dance (the girls) and the boys sing the song

Snowflake 1: You are good students!
Snowflake 2: We like your dance!
Snowflake 3:We know what you are looking for.
Snowflake 4: Here is a prize for you (gives magic creatures a piece of the map, everybody leaves the stage)
Scene 5
Sounds of creepy music. Magic creatures appear on the stage. Students (3rd form) dressed as trees appear from the other side
Tree 1: Stop where you are!
Tree 2: Freeze!
Tree 3: Don’t move!
Tree 4: We won’t let you pass until you solve our riddles
Tree 5: Are you ready to test your minds?
Magic creature 1: We’ll try…
Magic creature 2: And if we can’t find the answer….
Magic creature 3: Our friends (looks at the audience) will help us
Magic creature 4: Because they like Christmas too…
Magic creature five: And we want to have a great Christmas party together!

A pen-guin Creature 1

A pineapple. Creature 2

Answer: Cupid. Creature 5

Answer: Comet. Creature 1

Tree 1: What a brainy team you are!
Tree 2: And you’ve got a lot of friends!
Tree 3: (turning to the other trees, with its back to the creatures)I think we can help them too.
Tree 4:It’s a good idea!
Tree 5 (coming in front of all the trees): We know, you’re looking for something!
Magic creature 1: Yes! You are right! Grinch has stolen Santa!

Magic creature 5: So we need a map
Magic creature 1: …to find his hiding place
Magic creature 3: Help us, please
Tree 1:
Look in the Hollow
In the trunk of the tree
You’ll find what you need
If you follow me!
The trees takes away the creatures….Trees and magical creatures leave the stage
Scene 6
Magic creatures appear on stage
Magic creature 1: We’re getting nearer and nearer..
Magic creature 2: and the closer we get…
Magic creature 3: …the creepier it feels…
Magic creature 4: We should be more cautious now…
Magic creature 5: Unless we want to get in a trap…
Magic creature 1: …set by this horrible Grinch…

Grinch appears from the other side
Horrible! Terrible! Awful Grinch
Your words make my body itch!
So there you are! Get what you deserve
You, silly, touched my nerve!
Roars in terrible way!
Magic creature 1: Look, what we’ve done!
Magic creature 2: We made him even angrier!
Magic creature 3: Now he won’t give us Santa Claus back.
Magic creature 4: Shhhhh!!! I hear some noise! Looks like somebody is crying…
Magic creature 5: And Here it comes….
Rudolph the Reindeer appears on the stage, crying
I am so upset,
My nose is no longer red,
Grinch made it brown
Santa will not need me now!
Magic creature 1: I think we can help him!
Magic creature 2: Do you remember our Christmas song?
Magic creature 3: About Rudolph…
Magic creature 4: If we sing it together for him….
Magic creature 5: His nose will be glowing again…Let’s call our friends to help us sing the reindeer song!
4rd formers come on stage and sing the song. Some of the students dance around Rudolph, and while they are Dancing Rudolph puts on a shining Red nose.
had a very shiny nose
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows

all of the other reindeers

they never let poor Rudolph
join in any reindeer games

then one foggy Christmas eve
Santa came to say:

you"ll go down in history."

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
had a very shiny nose
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows
all of the other reindeer
used to laugh and call him names
they never let poor Rudolph
join in any reindeer games

I am happy today
I can guide your way
Grinch from now on
Has to step away! (with his horns to the audience)
Let’s go and find Santa! I think I know where to go!

Scene 7 (At the gates of Grinch’s cave)
Magic creature 1: Well, this looks like it!
Magic creature 2: Are you sure?
Magic creature 3: Let’s look at our map
Magic creature 4: We don’t need a map, silly
Magic creature 5:We’ve got Rudolph with us!
Rudolph: yes, I can smell that Santa is here
Penguins appear on stage:
Penguin 1:
I am a bird you know quite well,
All dressed in black and white.
And even though I do have wings
They"re not designed for flight.

Penguin 2:
I"m a little penguin

I"m a little penguin
(Do a "penguin walk" in place.)
On the ice.
(Point down to the ground.)
I think cold is very nice.
(Wrap your arms around your chest and smile)
Then I hop around once, then twice.
(Hop up and down.)
I think that ice is very nice.
(Nod your head and smile.)

Penguins (1st formers appear singing a song)
Ten Little Penguins
(tune: Ten Little Indians)

Ten little penguin chicks.
1st formers stand by the Big penguins
Penguin 1:
Who are you and what do you want?
Aren’t you afraid of us a lot?
We can make you run away
We do not want you to stay!
Penguin 2:
This is our hiding spot
So tell us now - what do you want?
Magic creature 1: Grinch has stolen Santa!
Magic creature 2: We have no presents now!
Magic creature 3: We’ve got no sweets!
Magic creature 4: We’ve got no Christmas tree!
Magic creature 5: We can invite you to our party if you help us….
Magic creature 1: …to bring Santa Claus back…
Magic creature 3: …because when there is no Santa….
Magic creature 2: … there is no Christmas and no fun!

Penguin 1: Will you really invite us to the party?
Magic creatures (all together): Yes!
Penguin 2: Cap, shall we let them through?
Penguin 1: Yes, boss! I want to have a party!
Magic creatures and penguins leave the stage

Scene 8 (At the Grinch’s cave)
Magic creatures, Rudolph and Penguins appear from one side, Grinch from the other
I’ve got Santa but no fun!
Oh where, oh where is everyone?
Where are crackers, candies, cake?
Is Christmas happiness just a fake?
Grinch starts crying
Magic creature 1: We can make you happy!
Magic creature 2: We can make you laugh!
Magic creature 3: Join us for some fun!
Magic creature 4: Elves! Snowflakes! Squirrels! Help us make Grinch happy!
Magic creature 5: If we make him happy, he’ll let Santa Claus free
Magic creature 1: We’ll have a big Christmas party
Magic creature 2:We’ll have a lot of fun.
Magic creature 3:We’ll have a lot of presents!
Magic creature 4:We’ll have candies and cakes!
Magic creature 5: And we’ll be happy again!

2nd formers) come on stage. They sing a song. While singing Grinch starts laughing and singing too.

Let"s all do a little clapping,
Let"s all do a little clapping,
And spread Christmas cheer.

(A variant - if you happy and you know it….

If you"re happy and you know it clap your hands.

If you"re happy and you know it clap your hands.

If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you"re happy and you know it stomp your feet.

If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you"re happy and you know it nod your head.

If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you"re happy and you know it shout "Hooray!"

If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you"re happy and you know it turn around.

At the end of the song Santa Claus appears on the stage to the tune Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everyone! I am free! I am back! Let’s celebrate!
At the end of speech all actors come on stage and to the stage and sing a song
Santa Claus is coming to town…
The end

0form Make a circle
Time to make a circle.
Make a circle, big bigbig.
Small smallsmall.
Big bigbig.
Make a circle, small smallsmall.
Hello hellohello.

Make a circle, round and round.
Round and round.
Round and round.
Make a circle, round and round.
Hello hellohello.

Make a circle, up upup.
Down downdown.
Up upup.
Make a circle, down downdown.
Now sit down.

The Snowman Song Lyrics
I’m a happy snowman,
white and fat.
Here are my buttons,
here is my hat.

Whew, it’s hot as a melt away.

Whew, it is hot!
It’s getting cold again.

I’m a happy snowman,
white and fat.
Here are my buttons,
here is my hat.
When the sun comes out you’ll hear me say,
whew, it’s hot as a melt away.

Whew, it’s getting really hot now.
Oh no!

I’m a sad snowman,
wet and flat.
Where are my buttons?
Where is my hat?
When the sun goes down you’ll hear me say,
(Hey, it’s getting cold again! Yeah!)
Hey it’s cold again hooray!
Hey, it’s cold again hooray!

Walk, walk, walk, like a snowman.
Dance, dance, dance like a snowman.
Jump, jump, jump like a snowman.
Turn, turn, turn like a snowman.

Oh it’s getting hot again!
Melt, melt, melt like a snowman.

Five little snowmen standing in a line
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 so fine

Four little snowmen standing in a line
1, 2, 3, 4, (Clap) so fine
Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
We’ll see you next year bye bye

Three little snowmen standing in a line
1, 2, 3, (Clap, Clap) so fine
Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
We’ll see you next year bye bye

Two little snowmen standing in a line
1, 2, (Clap, Clap, Clap) so fine
Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
We’ll see you next year bye bye

One little snowman standing in a line
1, (Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap) so fine
Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
We’ll see you next year bye bye

2nd forms girls dance and the boys sing “Winter Hockey pockey
The Winter Pokey
Tune: Hokey Pokey
adapted by Mrs. Jones

right hand

You take your right mitten out.
You put your right mitten in,
Then you shake it all about.

That"s what it"s all about!

left hand
You put your left mitten in,
You take your left mitten out.
You put your left mitten in,
Then you shake it all about.
You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
And you turn yourself around.
That"s what it"s all about!

right foot
You put your right boot in,
You take your right boot out.
You put your right boot in,
Then you shake it all about.
You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
And you turn yourself around.
That"s what it"s all about!
left foot
You put your left boot in,
You take your left boot out.
You put your left boot in,
Then you shake it all about.
You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
And you turn yourself around.
That"s what it"s all about!

upper body in, hands from neck to end of scarf
You put your long scarf in,
You take your long scarf out.
You put your long scarf in,
Then you shake it all about.
You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
And you turn yourself around.
That"s what it"s all about!

hands over ears and put head in
You put your earmuffs in,
You take your earmuffs out.
You put your earmuffs in,
Then you shake it all about.
You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
And you turn yourself around.
That"s what it"s all about!

hands on head and put your head in
You put your warm cap in,
You take your warm cap out.
You put your warm cap in,
Then you shake it all about.
You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
And you turn yourself around.
That"s what it"s all about!

touch shoulders and sweep to toes and put whole body in
You put your snowsuit in,
You take your snowsuit out.
You put your snowsuit in,
Then you shake it all about.
You do the winter pokey, (shiver)
And you turn yourself around.
That"s what it"s all about!

The Bear Went Over the Mountain
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
To see what he could see.
To see what he could see
To see what he could see
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
Was all that he could see.

What kind of bird can write? Tree 1
A pen-guin Creature 1
What do you when if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree? Tree 2
A pineapple. Creature 2
When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? Tree 3
Answer: In the dictionary. Creature 3
What does a snowman like to eat for breakfast? Tree 4
Answer: Frosted Flakes. Creature 4
Which one of Santa"s reindeer can be seen on Valentines day? Tree 5
Answer: Cupid. Creature 5
Riddle:Which on of Santa"s reindeers can you see in outer space? Tree 1
Answer: Comet. Creature 1
Q: Why can"t the Christmas tree stand up?A: It doesn’t have legs. Tree 2 - Creature 2
Q: What do you call a snowman in the summer?A: A puddle!Tree 3 - Creature 3
Q: Why is Santa so good at karate?A: Because he has a black belt!Tree 4 - Creature 4
What"s at the end of Christmas? The letter S. Tree 5 - Creature 5
Which reindeer is known to be the fastest of them all? Dasher Tree 1 - Creature 1
4th form

had a very shiny nose
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows

all of the other reindeers
used to laugh and call him names
they never let poor Rudolph
join in any reindeer games

then one foggy Christmas eve
Santa came to say:
"Rudolph with your nose so bright
won"t you guide my sleigh tonight?"

then how the reindeer loved him
as they shouted out with glee (yippee)
"Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
you"ll go down in history."

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
had a very shiny nose
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows
all of the other reindeer
used to laugh and call him names
they never let poor Rudolph
join in any reindeer games

Ten Little Penguins
(tune: Ten Little Indians)

One little, two little, three little penguins,
Four little, five little, six little penguins,
Seven little, eight little, nine little penguins,
Ten little penguin chicks.
2nd form (boys and girls) girls sing and boys make movements
If you"re happy and you know it clap your hands.
If you"re happy and you know it clap your hands.
If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you"re happy and you know it clap your hands.

If you"re happy and you know it stomp your feet.
If you"re happy and you know it stomp your feet.
If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you"re happy and you know it stomp your feet.

If you"re happy and you know it nod your head.
If you"re happy and you know it nod your head.
If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you"re happy and you know it nod your head.

If you"re happy and you know it shout "Hooray!"
If you"re happy and you know it shout "Hooray!"
If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you"re happy and you know it shout "Hooray!"

If you"re happy and you know it turn around.
If you"re happy and you know it turn around.
If you"re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you"re happy and you know it turn around.

Let"s All Do a Little Clapping Sing to: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Let"s all do a little clapping,
Let"s all do a little clapping,
Let"s all do a little clapping,
And spread Christmas cheer.
2. Jumping 3. Twirling 4. Stretching 5. Bending 6. Hugging….

Final song: Santa Claus is coming to town

Полный текст материала Сценарий Рождественской сказки на английском языке; 1 - 4 классы смотрите в скачиваемом файле .
На странице приведен фрагмент.

Сценарий рождественского спектакля по мотивам сказки «Mickey’s once upon a Christmas”

Действующие лица:

Storyteller 1

Child 1

Child 2

Child 3






Storyteller 1: Once a year, there"s a marvelous night,

When enchantment and wonder spark and take flight.

Each home fills with joy on this grand holiday,

With hearts growing warm in a magical way.

The rooms are covered with wreaths.

The mantel has stockings beneath.

Lights twinkle and bells brightly chime

The moment"s arrived, it"s here, Christmas time.

The precious gift lies under this tree

What secrets it hold,

Let"s look and we"ll see.

The first tells a story for us all to hear

About laughter and family, and those we hold dear.

We love Christmas so much, we want it to stay.

But what if we wished it was here every day?

Звучит музыка. На сцене стоит елка с подарками, календарь с 25 декабря, шкаф, столик.

Child 1: Today is the best day of the year. lt"s Christmas! (выбегая на сцену).

Child 2: Oh, boys! Just what we always wanted (выбегая на сцену).

Child 3: Hey, look at this. Cool! (подходя к елке).

Father: Merry Christmas, kids! (выходя на сцену и потягиваясь).

Звон бьющейся посуды

Children, Father поворачиваются в сторону кулис одновременно!

Из-за кулис доносится «Oh!!! Noooooo!»

Mother выходит с подносом на руках и ставит поднос на столик.

Father: l"ve got a special surprise for you! (подходит и открывает шкаф, в котором лежат ледянки, обвязанные бантом).

Children одевают шапки, шарфы, варежки

Father: But you didn"t even read the card (поднимая открытку)

Child 2: We"ll read it later.

Дети хватают ледянки и бегут к двери. Раздается звонок. Звук открывающейся двери. На пороге появляются бабушка с дедушкой.

Grandfather: Merry Christmas, everybody.

Grandmother: Where are my kids and my kisses? I could just eat you up.

Бабушка обнимает, тискает, целует детей. Дети вырываются, поправляют шапки, шарфы, варежки и идут с ледянками кататься. В это время звучит музыка и закрывается занавес.

Мама выходит из-за занавеса и зовет детей к ужину.

Mother: Kids, dinner!

Занавес открывается. Дети рассаживаются за стол. За столом уже сидят папа с бабушкой и дедушкой. Музыка затихает.

Child 1: The one thing better...

Child 3: ..than presents...

Child 2: is Christmas dinner.

Mother: lsn"t this lovely? All of us gathered for a wonderful meal.(выходит с подносом,на котором лежит праздничная индюшка)

Grandfather: lt"s my favourite part of Christmas.

Grandmother: Turkey!

Дети начинают быстро есть еду.

Mother : Kids! Where are your manners?

Child 2: We love your cooking, Mum!

Grandfather встает из-за стола.

Grandfather: Alright, who’s going to sing?

Child 1: We don"t wanna sing, granpa.

Child 3: We wanna play with our toys.

Дети играют в игрушки, дедушка играет на пианино, бабушка, мама, папа поют и танцуют под веселую музыку.

Часы показывают 9 часов.

Grandfather: Bedtime, kida.

Дети возмущаются, говорят: “Noooooo!”. Мама, папа, дедушка, бабушка выстраиваются в ряд, дети идут мимо них в спальню. На экране «окно», кровати.

Child 3: What a great day!

Child 1: We should do it more often.

Child 2: lt"ll be the whole year until we get more Christmas.

В это время Child 3 стоит на коленях у окна.

Child 3: Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight.

Дети подходят к окну, тоже встают на колени.

Child 1: I wish I may, I wish l might, have the wish I wish tonight.

Children: We wish it was Christmas every day.

Песня «We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year».

Сценарий праздника на английском языке «Английское Рождество»

Иванова Ирина Анатольевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Лицей имени В.Г. Сизова», г. Мончегорск, Мурманская область.
Описание работы: Драматизация зарекомендовала себя как комплексный метод обучения иностранному языку и культуре, которая активизирует уже изученную лексику и коммуникативные навыки ребенка, привлекает предметы творческого цикла, такие как театр, музыка, рисование, художественный труд. Подобные сценарии рассчитаны на творческий подход со стороны учителей английского языка. В таких сценариях много стихов, песен, загадок, сценок из сказок, которые могут быть дополнены, заменены на новые или более подходящие. Данные разработки помогают в проведении праздников на английском языке, как начинающим, так и опытным учителям!
Цель праздника:
1. Расширение с помощью английского языка представления учащихся об окружающем мире.
2. Развитие речевой культуры учащихся.
3. Формирование готовности воспринимать культуру другого народа.
1. Формирование коммуникативной культуры.
2. Активизация творческих способностей ребенка, привитие вкуса к чтению стихов.

Ход мероприятия:

На сцену выходят актеры, разыгрывающие сценку рождения Иисуса. (На экране демонстрируются слайды из жизни Иисуса Христа)

Ведущий 1: Dear children and guests! On the 25th of December people celebrate Christmas – a beautiful holiday, which is loved by children and adults; when everything is decorated with lights and toys; when we see Christmas trees everywhere; when people buy presents and cook special food, send cards and have parties!

Ведущий 2: Well, the candles are lit, the Christmas tree is glittering with lights, the fire in the fire-place is burning. It’s time to begin the festival. The festival of Christmas.

Ведущий 3: Everybody of you has his own mas, his own birthday which is celebrated with a light pie and tasty lemonade. But this occasion is something special; this is birthday of Jesus, our Savior. He was born on the 25-th of December, nearly 2.000 years ago. Are you interested how it happened? So listen.

Ведущий 1: Long, long ago in the town of Nazareth the carpenter Joseph lived. Joseph had a wife, Maria. The god’s angel once came to her and said:

Ангел: I come down from the heavens and ask you to listen carefully. A child will be born this evening. One day he will be king. Follow that star and you will find this prince of peace. The child"s name will be Jesus.

Волхвы (вместе): We will follow the star to our prince.

Голос за сценой: Mary has given birth to a baby boy. She and Joseph are sitting with their newborn child, Jesus. They are surrounded by barnyard animals. The three approach. The star is visible in the night sky.

Мария: Joseph, we have a beautiful baby boy.

Иосиф: Yes Mary. Mary darling, look there. (Показывает на приближающихся волхвов) Who are these men approaching us?

Подходят Волхвы.

1. Greetings. I want to wish you great happiness and joy. I offer you, the parents of this child Jesus, my gift of gold. May this child have a life rich in experience.
2. Congratulations Mary and Joseph. This gist of spices and perfumes is for you my new prince. I have come many miles to find you. We know you are special and have only the best of wishes for you.
3. Mary and Joseph (кланяется) thank you for this wonderful baby. I have come many miles to bring you this gift. You’ll be good parents and enjoy this child"s life. Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

He loves you like a father.
He has you in his hands.
He says all men are brothers.
He gives you happy chance.
Wherever you’re going
He’s going your way.
Whatever you’re doing
He’s making your fate.
He leads you in the darkness.
He saves you day and night.
He gotta stop the fighters.
He’s mighty, he is high.

Ведущий 2: Our festival is going on. In the centre of London at the Trafalgar square stands enormous green tree, gift from people of Oslo. In every house there stand evergreen trees, because the evergreen trees are the symbols of eternal life. Under the Christmas tree they put a manger with Christ baby.

Ведущие рассказывают о том, как появилась традиция праздновать Рождество и какие традиции празднования существуют.

Ведущий 3: The Germans are believed to be the first to use the Christmas tree in their celebrations, and Martin Luther was the first to place a star on the top of the tree. This star represent the star that appeared over the stable in which Christ was born.

Ведущий 1: The well – known image of Santa Claus was invented by Coca – Cola. The producers of this soft drink were very unhappy because their soft drink was considered a “summer” drink. They wanted to sell it in the winter too. So they hired a guy called Haddon Sandblom to make a nice ad for them. Sundblom immediately thought of Santa Claus. Actually, he modeled him more or less on his friendly neighbor, who had a round face, a short beard and a red nose… So thanks to Coca Cola, half the world is now giving each other expensive gifts for Christmas.

Ведущий 2: The house is decorated with twigs of mistletoe and holy. Holy, because before death Jesus was wearing the garland of holy, and mistletoe is the symbol of love and reconciliation under which a boy may kiss a girl, asking pardon for the pranks.It is said that the girl who was not kissed under it at Christmas would not get married that year.

Ведущий 3: On Christmas we must forgive each others all offences and ask pardon for everything. On the Christmas Eve there is a fuss in towns, everybody’s making preparations. Offices are closed at 1 o’clock, but shops are working. Postmen hurry to deliver millions of Christmas cards, young people in the streets are singing Christmas songs, collecting money for poor people.

Ведущий 1: But the main event of Christmas is the Christmas dinner with traditional turkey or goose, and pudding. Every young woman in each household helps to stir the Christmas pudding if she wishes to be married that year.
Christmas is the family event, all are gathering at one table, act the scene about Christ birth, play games, sing Christmas songs. Carol singing is an essential part of Christmas. No church or school is without its carol service.

Викторины для участников праздника. Дети отвечают на вопросы ведущих и за правильные ответы получают медальки. У кого в конце конкурса будет больше медалек, будут определятья 1,2 и 3 места на «Лучшего знатока английских традиций».

Ведущий 2: Now we have a contest “What do you know about Cristmas?” Answer our questions, please. The first question: When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?

Ведущий3: Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?

Ведущий 1: Who introduced the tradition to decorate the Christmas Tree in Russia?

Ведущий 2: Where does the most famous Christmas Tree stand in London?

Ведущий 3: Whose present is Christmas Tree in London?

Ведущий 1: What is another name of father Christmas?

Ведущий 2: What do Englishmen eat for lunch on Christmas day?

Ведущий 3: What day is after Christmas day?

Ведущий 1: What do we usually give each other on Christmas day?

Ведущий 2: What do you usually put on the top of the Christmas tree?

Ведущий 3: What does Santa Claus fill with presents?

Ведущий 1: In what month do English people celebrate Christmas?

Ведущий 2: What do Englishmen usually send to the friends at Christmas?

Ведущий 3: How do people call the day before Christmas?

Ответы на вопросы:
1. December,25
2. J.Christ
3. Peter The Great
4. Trafalgar Square
5. Norway
6. Santa Claus
7. Turkey and pudding
8. Boxing day
9. Presents
10. A star
11. Stockings
12. December
13. Postcards
14. The eve

Викторина «Угадай страну». Дети угадывают правильный ответ.
Ведущий 1: In this city a lot of people gather in Times Square and watch the “Big Apple” fall.The “Big Fall” isn’t a real apple. It`s a moving picture of an apple on the side of one of the big buildings in Times Square. Every New Year’s Eve during the last few seconds before midnight it starts to “fall” down the building, and when it gets to the bottom it’s the start of the new year.

Ведущий 2: In this country housewives start cooking special food for New Year’s Day and all the members of the family do a big cleaning up. The idea is to get rid of the dirt of the past year, and welcome the new year without it. On the television or radio you can hear 108 bells. The 108th bell rings just a second before the midnight. The people say: ”Happy New Year!” People eat the special food and drink rice wine during the meal.

Ведущий 3: People call the New Year’s Eve “Hogmanay”.They visit their friend’s houses just after midnight on the New Year’s night. The first person who comes to your house brings you luck. At midnight when the clock begins to strike 12,the head of the family goes to the entrance door, opens it wide and holds it until the last stroke. Then he shuts the door. He has let the old year out and let the New Year in.

Ведущий 1: This country is sometimes called “the upside down world”. It lies in the Southern Hemisphere. During the Christmas holidays people often sunbathe on the beach or swim and surf in the ocean. On the 31st of December many people go to the country for the picnic. In January the temperatures are from 20 to 30 degree above zero or higher.

Ведущий 2: In this country it can be dangerous to have a walk at night at the end of December. People usually throw the old things from the houses through the windows: broken cups and plates, old clothes and boots and sometimes different pieces of furniture. People believe that on the New Year’s Eve the magician Befaniya comes to the houses through the chimney and put the presents for children in their stockings or shoes.

1. b)New York
2. a)Japan
3. b)Scotland
4. c)Australia
5. b)Italy

Задание «Переставь буквы и угадай слова». Буквы на экране.

Ведущий 3: Look at the board and find the words.
1. Tsomcu
2. Tecaredo
3. Setolimte
4. Lolyh


Определяются победители за конкурсы «Лучшего чтеца стихов на английском языке» и «Лучшего знатока английских традиций».
В конце праздника поется популярная песенка Аuld lang syne.

Описание материала: Предлагаю сценарий костюмированного праздника «Merry Christmas!» для детей старшего дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. На костюмированном празднике дети в игровой форме закрепляют лексику по теме «Зима и зимние праздники», повторяют в песенной форме приветствие, счет от 1 до 10, английский алфавит.
Цель: ознакомление с традициями англоязычных стран.
Учебный аспект: активизировать ранее изученные лексико-грамматические структуры в речи детей.
Развивающий аспект: развивать мелкую моторику, воображение, способность работать в группе.
Воспитательный аспект: формировать познавательную активность детей; воспитывать интерес к занятиям английским языком, воспитывать готовность сотрудничать при выполнении конкретной задачи; учить работать слаженно, помогая друг другу.
Оборудование: компьютер, ватманы, снежок из ваты или бумаги, 2 ведерка, белая бумага, фломастеры (карандаши, краски, маркеры), заготовки ёлочек из картона, цветная бумага, клей, английские буквы, образующие слово CHRISTMAS.

Ведущие – Мисс Сноуфлейк (Miss Snowflake), Снегурочка (Snow maiden) и Санта Клаус (Santa Claus), им могут помогать в случае необходимости либо снежинки, либо эльфы.
Ход праздника
Miss Snowflake: Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear parents and grandparents! Welcome to our Christmas party! I’m Miss Snowflake and this is Snow maiden. We are very glad to see you here!
Snow maiden (Снегурочка) : Здравствуйте, дорогие девочки и мальчики! Здравствуйте, дорогие родители, дедушки и бабушки! Я Снегурочка, а это Мисс Сноуфлейк. Мы рады видеть вас на нашем празднике!
Miss Snowflake: But where is Father Frost?
Snow maiden: Действительно, а где же Дед Мороз? Или сегодня вместо него к нам придет английский Санта Клаус?
Miss Snowflake (Снежинка) : Let’s listen to a nice song our children are going to sing, they are looking for Santa Claus, too. Where is Santa? Where is Santa?
Where? Where? Where?

Where? Where? Where?
Hello, Santa! Hello, Santa!
Hello! Hello!
Hi, Santa! Hi, Santa!
Hi! Hi! Hi!
Hello, Santa! Hello, Santa!
Hello! Hello!
Hi, Santa! Hi, Santa!
Hi! Hi! Hi!

Where is Santa? Where is Santa?
Where? Where? Where?
Where is Santa? Where is Santa?
Where? Where? Where?

Good bye! Good bye!
Bye, Santa! Bye, Santa!
Bye! Bye! Bye!
Good bye, Santa! Good bye, Santa!
Good bye! Good bye!
Bye, Santa! Bye, Santa! Bye! Bye! Bye!

Miss Snowflake: What a lovely song! We like it so much!
Snow maiden: Чудная песенка, нам она очень нравится!
Miss Snowflake: Unfortunately, Santa Claus has left all his presents for children at home. He has had to return. We hope he’ll be back soon.
Snow maiden: К сожалению, Санта Клауса подвела память, он оставил подарки для ребят дома, и ему пришлось за ними возвращаться. Будем надеяться, что он скоро придет с подарками.
Miss Snowflake: Meanwhile we can play different games and have a lot of fun!
Snow maiden: А мы тем временем поиграем в разные игры и повеселимся!

2)Word Game “Catch the snowball!”

Miss Snowflake: What does it look like? What is this? Guess! (Showing a paper snowball)
Children: It looks like a snowball!
Miss Snowflake: Exactly! Let’s play “Catch the snowball!” Game! You throw the paper snowball and say one word or one phrase connected with the topic “Winter and Winter Holidays”. Your neighbour catches the snowball and says another word or phrase. All the participants stand in a circle.
Snow maiden: Ребята, давайте поиграем в игру «Поймай/Лови снежок!» Ваша задача – бросить бумажный снежок и назвать одно слово или фразу по теме «Зима и зимние праздники». Стоящий рядом ловит снежок и называет свое слово или фразу, и так по кругу, пока не будут названы все слова по теме.
Miss Snowflake: Throw the snowball to me
And say one word,
For instance, tree!
Snow maiden:
Бросай снежок и слово называй!
Внимателен будь, не зевай!

Children can name the following words and phrases: snow, winter, cold, frosty, windy, snowfall, snowman, snowball, Christmas, New Year, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, snow maiden, December, January, February, Christmas tree, etc.

Miss Snowflake: You know so many words and phrases. Santa Claus like clever and hard-working children, he’ll definitely bring you his nice presents.
Snow maiden: Как много слов и выражений вы знаете. Санта Клаус оценит умных и трудолюбивых детей хорошими подарками.

Если дети стесняются или никак не могут вспомнить даже на русском языке подходящие слова, можно им помочь. Мисс Сноуфлейк бросает снежок и произносит слово по теме на русском (английском) языке, а ребенок возвращает ей снежок с переводом сказанного ей слова. Просто для веселья можно поиграть в такую игру: формируются 2 команды, им предлагается сделать из белой бумаги комки-снежки и забросить их в ведерки. Побеждает команда, закинувшая большее количество снежков.

3) Draw a snowman and a snowwoman!

Miss Snowflake: Kids, we know that you like drawing and colouring. Let’s draw a snowman and a snowwoman.
Snow maiden: Мы знаем, что вы любите рисовать. Давайте нарисуем снеговика и снежную бабу!

Детям выдаются ватманы и фломастеры (карандаши, краски, маркеры).

Miss Snowflake: How many snowmen have we got? Let’s count and sing!
Snow maiden: Давайте посчитаем, сколько снеговичков у нас получилось, а заодно споем веселую песенку!

Дети считают до десяти и поют песенку «Ten Little Snowmen» , нарисованными ими снеговиками в это время украшают стены зала.

4)Let’s do some jumping!

Miss Snowflake: I’m sure you want to be healthy, wealthy and wise, then you should do your exercises. Let’s do some jumping with Patty Shukla and American children!
Snow maiden: Давайте разомнемся немного, попрыгаем вместе с детишками из Америки!
Miss Snowflake: You know Santa will give us his presents if our Christmas trees are decorated. Let’s decorate them right now!
Snow maiden: Санта Клаус раздает подарки там, где елочки наряжены к празднику. Давайте украсим наши елочки шарами и гирляндами, ангелочками и конфетами.

Дети вырезают елочные игрушки из цветной бумаги, добавляют детали, используя фломастеры, наклеивают шарики и другие украшения на картонные елочки. Этот этап праздника можно провести как командную игру. Пока дети украшают картонные елочки, звучит песня в исполнении Пэтти Шукла «Рождество» - “It’s Christmas” by Patty Shukla.
Главную елку праздника можно дополнительно нарядить шариками, которые детям в эстафете нужно пронести в столовых ложках и не уронить.

6) What beautiful snowflakes!

Miss Snowflake: I am not the only snowflake in the world, I’ve got many sisters. And we all differ from one another.
Snow maiden: Мисс Сноуфлейк не единственная снежинка в мире, у нее много сестер, и все они отличаются друг от друга.

Девочки в костюмах снежинок читают стихотворение «Снежинка» К.Д. Бальмонта на русском и английском языках. Во время чтения звучит классическая музыка.
Pupils 1-2: What a pure snowflake!
What a brave snowflake!
It is fluffy, white and nice.
We are charmed by winter dance!
Pupils 3-4: It has left the sky, but why?
Here it’s dangerous. Oh, my!
What a will! Please, don’t fall down!
Oops, the snowflake’s on the ground.
(Перевод Крикуновой И.Г.)

Pupils 5-6: Светло-пушистая,
Снежинка белая.
Какая чистая,
Какая смелая!
Дорогой бурною
Легко проносится,
Не в высь лазурную,
На землю просится.

7) Christmas alphabet.

Miss Snowflake: Children, do you know any English letters? Can we make up Christmas from these letters? Take all the necessary letters and put them in the right order to make this word!
Snow maiden: Дети, вы знаете английские буквы? Сможете составить слово Christmas из данных букв? Давайте попробуем!

Каждому ребенку на подготовительном этапе раздаются рифмовки с одной из букв, входящих в состав слова Christmas. Дети находят необходимые буквы, поднимают их над головами и встают так, чтобы получилось слово Christmas. Затем декламируют Рождественский алфавит.

Pupil 1. C is for children and
Christmas they like.
Pupil 2. H is for horses
Instead of a bike.
Pupil 3. R is for reindeer,
What can it hold?
Pupil 4. I is for ice-cream –
Tasty and cold.
Pupil 5. S is for snow,
It’s so white.
Pupil 6. T is for Christmas tree,
It’s so bright.
Pupil 7. M is for Mummy,
She is the best.
Pupil 8. A is for apples,
We like how they taste.
Pupil 9. S is for Santa,
Clever and kind.
All together. He brings us presents –
Presents we like!
( And here is Santa Claus at last! Hooray! Hello, Santa! How are you?
Santa Claus: Hello, everybody! I’m very glad to see you! I’m fine! Hope you too.
Snow maiden: Санта Клаус очень рад встрече с вами!
Santa Claus: I’ve brought you wonderful presents! I see you’ve decorated the Christmas trees, you know Christmas alphabet. Well done.
Snow maiden: Санта принес чудесные подарки! Ему приглянулись и ваши костюмы, и нарядные елочкаи, и прекрасные снежинки. Ему очень понравилось, что вы знаете много английских букв. Молодцы!
Santa Claus: But what about singing the most famous song for Christmas? Let’s sing “We wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” all together!
Snow maiden: А теперь покажите Санте, как хорошо вы поете!

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